2020 Program
Workshop I
Introduction to the Central Health Enterprise
Become familiar with the Central Health Enterprise, understand the Central Health budget including sources and uses, understand the Enterprise COVID-19 response.
Pre-Workshop Material:
Workshop Material:
Workshop II
Health Care Delivery & Service Planning
Understand how Central Health partners with providers and how Central Health plans for service expansion or enhancement.
Pre-Workshop Material:
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Workshop III
Access to Care
Understand the process to establish coverage, eligibility criteria and benefits for Sendero and MAP/MAP BASIC.
Pre-Workshop Material:
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Workshop IV
Social Conditions Interventions
Understand how the Central Health Enterprise addresses social conditions for the covered population.
Pre Workshop IV Videos:
Workshop Material:
Shared links:
Workshop V
Community Health Centers
Understand Federally Qualified Health Centers and learn more about Central Health’s Enterprise partner, CommUnityCare Health Centers.
Pre-Workshop Material:
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