In 2019 under the direction of CEO Mike Geeslin, Central Health created an employee-led Equity and Inclusion Task Force. These members then created equity and inclusion goals, objectives, standards, and values for Central Health and outlined specific tactics for achieving the goals they created.
In 2022, the task force evolved into an official DEI Council that serves as an employee voice to align the overall DEI purpose and vision for all. This includes institutionalizing processes for honest dialogue within the community and collaborating with partners that enhance business outcomes.
Our people
Community Health Champions
Community Health Champions is an annual Central Health program that brings together diverse community members from across Travis County to learn about, discuss, and collaborate on our work to improve the health of Central Texas.
Health Equity Policy Council
The Central Health Equity Policy (CHEP) Council was established in 2015, comprising representatives from over 80 community partners who came together to advocate for innovative clinical and public policies to reduce health disparities for Austin-Travis County residents with incomes at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level.
Organizational culture
Social media culture
Our numbers